Blind Embossed Prints

Blind Embossed Print

Title: 'Catching the Light...........Beauty in the Glass House'

Printed using a Rochat Printing Press at Oxford Printmakers

Blind Embossed Print with Red Chine Colle printed using a Rochat Press at Oxford Printmakers

Blind Embossed Print on Somerset Paper printed using the Rochat Press at Oxford Printmakers

Title: 'Crossing Paths with You'

Blind Embossed Print

Embossing Plates made on extra thick mountcard using cutting

and collaging techniques.

Blind Embossed Prints using an Etching Press

Using Mountcard as a base I create Blind Embossed Prints (no ink) by gluing materials onto the mountcard and by directly cutting into the mountcard using a sharp stanley knife as I would for making a Collagraph plate. However I don't seal the plates with Button Polish but leave the embossing plates unvarnished. I then set the Etching Press on a tight pressure, place a sheet of paper over the 'Embossing Plate' when on the Press and run it through the Press.

Cutting and Collaging techniques are both used to create embossed detail. Deep lines are directly cut into the Mountcard and very coarse sandpaper is cut and glued onto the mountcard with Gesso which works well as a strong glue.

Part made Embossing Printing Plate on thick mountcard with cutting in and collaged coarse sandpaper

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